
021 524 352

COVID-19 Response

Under government guidelines, Plumbers available for emergencies during lockdown. Here at Plumb Fast Ltd we take your Health and Safety seriously. We are well versed in following ALL the Ministry Of Health’s guidelines, including all appropriate PPE, disinfecting of tools, physical distancing, hand washing and hygiene, and records of contact.

Rest assured that Plumb Fast Ltd are working hard and keeping up to date with all Best Trade Practice Guidelines as they happen


Plumbfast Limited
COVID Levels response plan.

NZ Government Guidelines* Plumbfast Policy Summary of Procedure
Level 4 Tradespeople can only do maintenance in customers homes
if it is to maintain the necessities of life or critical
to safety.
Essential work only;
repairs and maintenance of sanitary plumbing, hot water
cylinders, burst or broken pipes or leaks that will damage
the property.
Consultation with client
over the telephone to outline procedure for plumber coming
to site.
Plumber will wear P2 facemask, gloves, overalls and covered
shoes whilst on site. Maintain 2 metre distance. Maintain
hygeine requirements ie: coughing into elbow, washing hands,
not touching face.
Customer and other family members vacate room where plumber
is working.
Plumber to note all people in household on jobsheet for
contact tracing.
Website updated to advise procedure to all customers.
Level 3 Tradespeople can work on
customers property (e.g. in homes) including maintenance or
new work.
Essential work priorities;
additional work and new installations permitted.
Consultation with client
over the telephone to outline procedure for plumber coming
to site.
Plumber will wear P2 facemask, gloves, overalls and covered
shoes whilst on site. May remove face mask whilst working if
no others in the room. Maintain 1 metre distance. Maintain
hygiene requirements ie: coughing into elbow, washign hands,
not touching face.
Prefer customer and other family members vacate room where
plumber is working.
Plumber to note names of people they were in contact with on
jobsheet for contact tracing.
Website updateed to advise procedure to all customers.
Level 2 Tradespeople can work on
customers property (e.g. in homes).
All work permitted. Consultation with client
over the telephone to outline procedure for plumber coming
to site.
Optional for plumber to wear facemask and gloves, will
maintain 1 metre distance.
Prefer customer and other family members vacate room where
plumber is working.
Website updated to advise procedure to all customers.
Level 1 Ensure workplace H&S include COVID
requirements such as social distancing, contactless
services, personal hygiene (washing hands, coughing into
elbow, not touching your face).
All work permitted. Consultation with client over the telephone
to outline procedure for plumber coming to site.
Optional for plumber to wear facemask and gloves, will
maintain 1 metre distance.
Prefer customer and other family members to vacate room
where plumber is working.
Website updated to advise procedure to all customers.

*Refer to Reference –
Refer to Plumbfast Limited COVID Policy Document

Plumbfast Limited
COV|019 Operating Procedure


This procedure defines the criteria that will be used to determine work that will be undertaken during COVID 19 Alert Levels 3 and 4 for Plumbfast Limited. It also details the procedures that will be implemented for the completion of this work, to ensure the health and safety of Plumbfast Limited employees and clients.


Plumbfast Limited has 5 out-bound staff (including the owner) who are required to enter residential and commercial premises to undertake their work.

All staff are familiar with the safety and health procedures outlined in the Plumbfast Limited Health and Safety Management Plan. Specifically, the hazard register and controls in place to keep them safe in their workplace, and the requirement to advise the owner immediately if they are feeling unwell and need to stay home. Whilst COVlD19 Alert levels are in place, this is an essential expectation for all staff.

These procedures will be agreed with each employee and signed off to confirm they have read and understood these requirements.

All customers will be advised of the expectations required of them, and these details are also available on the Plumbfast Limited website.

Level 4 Operating Procedure

Essential work only will be undertaken. This is defined as any repairs or maintenance required on sanitary plumbing, hot water cylinders, leaks, burst or broken pipes, or any uncontrolled water that will cause damage to property or affect the health of the residents or occupiers of the property.

  1. Work requests will be received primarily by telephone, email or online enquiry via the Plumbfast Ltd website.
  2. Contact will be made with the client by Glen Fifield, owner of Plumbfast Limited, to determine the nature of the job and confirm it is essential work.
  3. Prior to the job starting, the client will be advised of the procedure requirements when the plumber arrives at their residence:
    a. Plumber will telephone the customer upon arrival to advise they are outside, and will be wearing their mask and gloves, the plumber will have sanitised his hands and tools, and needs to wear their footwear in the house if at all possible. (Footwear protectors will be usually worn).
    b. Once he has knocked on the door, the plumber will stand back from the door and will request the customer to do the same when opening the door.
    c. Customer to show the plumber to the location of the job, maintaining a 2 metre distance, and leave the room once the job has been confirmed.
    d. The plumber will wear all his PPE throughout the duration of the job.
    e. The plumber will document on the job sheet the people in the household that he has had contact with, in the event contact tracing is required.
  4. Upon completion of the job, the plumber will exit the property and sanitise his tools again before removing gloves and mask correctly and disposing them in a plastic bag kept in the vehicle. Plumbfast Limited Page 1 of 2 COVID Policy April 2020
  5. Shoes need to be sprayed with an antibacterial cleaner (Dettol mixture or “spray and wipe” type cleaner) to ensure no fluids are carried into the vehicle or another property. Footwear protectors will be provided by Plumbfast Limited based on availability.

Level 3 Operating Procedure

Essential work will be prioritised over new or additional work, however both can be undertaken.
As with Level 4, essential work is defined as any repairs or maintenance required on sanitary plumbing, hot water cylinders, leaks, burst or broken pipes, or any uncontrolled water that will cause damage to property or affect the health of the residents or occupiers of the property.

New or additional work is defined as work involving installation of new appliances (e.g. dishwashers, hot-water cylinders, etc), piping and plumbing work for new homes or additions to homes.

  1. Work requests will be received primarily by telephone, email or online enquiry via the Plumbfast Ltd website.
  2. Contact will be made with the client by Glen Fifield, owner of Plumbfast Limited, to determine the nature of the job, provide pricing and resource allocation.
  3. The client will be advised of the procedure requirements when the plumber arrives at their residence:
    a. Plumber will telephone the customer upon arrival to advise they are outside, and will be wearing their mask and gloves, have sanitised his hands and tools, and needs to wear their footwear in the house if at all possible.
    b. Once the plumber knocks on the door he will stand back from the door and will request the customer to do the same when opening the door.
    c. Customer to show the plumber to the location of the job, maintaining a 1 metre distance, and preferably leave the room once the job has been confirmed.
    d. The plumber may choose to remove his mask and gloves whilst working, but will put his mask back on when engaging with the customer before he leaves.
    e. The plumber will document on the job sheet the people in the household that he has had contact with, in the event contact tracing is required.
  4. Upon completion of the job, the plumber will exit the property and sanitise his tools again before removing gloves and mask correctly and disposing them in a plastic bag kept in the vehicle.
  5. Shoes need to be sprayed with an antibacterial cleaner (Dettol mixture or 1’spray and wipe” type cleaner) to ensure no fluids are carried into the vehicle or another property. Footwear protectors will be provided by Plumbfast Limited based on availability.